Minimalist Edge

Ramblings on Minimalism

Lastest posts

You're never "done."

June 19, 2021

How to stop obsessing about your minimalist goals

Minimalist is a privilege

April 04, 2021

And why you shouldn't feel guilty about it

My failed quest for an all-in-one Trimmer

March 27, 2021

A Braun MGK7221 All-in-one review

The only three pairs of shoes you'll ever need

March 12, 2021

My simple shoe system

The only three pair of pants you'll ever need

March 01, 2021

The holy trinity of minimalist pants

Why you need to know your color palette

May 29, 2020

A color palette is essential for a COHESIVE wardrobe.

Why white might not be the best color for a minimalist wardrobe

May 18, 2020

White clothing has since long been promoted as a great color for a minimalist wardrobe, but is it really?

© 2021, Minimalist Edge